Legal Mentions

Event location
Uferstr. 8 / 23 & Badstr. 41a
13357 Berlin
Anfahrt: U8 Pankstraße, U9 Nauener Platz, S-Bahn Gesundbrunnen

Team Tanznacht Berlin
Artistic director: Silke Bake
Production manager: Barbara Greiner
Technical director: Andreas Harder
Administration: Aminata Oelßner
Production assistants: Lars Hecker, Anne Bickert
Press & editor: björn & björn
Online-editor, Social Media: Vincenz Kokot
Ticketing: Melanie Klimmer
Translation: Joseph Wegmann
Design images: Ben Wittner+++Eps51

Legally responsible for content: Silke Bake
Tanznacht Berlin Office
Telephone: 030 577 010 79

Presenter: Tanzfabrik Berlin e.V.
Advisory Board: Ludger Orlok, Gisela Müller, Christa Flaig-Isaacs
Möckernstr. 68, 10965 Berlin
Uferstr. 8/23, 13357 Berlin

A production by Tanzfabrik Berlin.
Supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds. With kind support of  apap-advancing performing arts project/performing europe 2020 – co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union, Institut Français, Instituto Cervantes. In cooperation with Uferstudios Gesellschaft, HAU Hebbel am Ufer/Tanz im August.
Further partners: Ètape Danse, internationale tanzmesse NRW