_ Elena Alonso

_ Biographical Information

Elena Alonso studied dance at the London Contemporary Dance School, the Merce Cunningham Studio, Movement Research and at the Susan Klein School of Dance, New York. She worked with Esteve Graset and Elena Córdoba amongst others. Since 1993 she has been creating her own choreographies, which have been shown in New York, Madrid, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Lima und Berlin so far. In 1998 she represented Spain at the festival danceWEB in Vienna.
_ Approach to Work

Elena Alonso uses impulses from people, images, spaces, her own body as well as others' bodies for her choreographies. She transforms these impulses into her own dance vocabulary. During her work process she tries to filter out the essence of the movements employed by her through continuous repetition. Her pieces are less concerned with the "what" than the "how". Topics are only the means for an end. They are the way the choreographer takes in order to get to places which she cannot define at the start of a project. Another important aspect of her work is the collaboration with artists of other genres.

_ Current Production

"Dedicatoria" - The duet is dedicated to the human body in extreme conditions. The two dancers explore both, their physical limits as well as what lies beyond those limits. "Handle with care" - In the new group piece, premiered as part of the ªtanzZeit´ 2/00 at Theater am Halleschen Ufer, the dancers risk to be vulnerable in order to get intimate. They question themselves wether something vanishes when exposed to an audience.
_ Future Projects

_ Repertory

_ "Dedicatoria" (1999), Duett, 60 min., Minimum stage: 8 x 8 m
_ "Movement Space: sculpture, dance, music" (1998), Solo for Blanca Muñoz Skulptur und Wade Matthews Musik, 35 min., Minimum stage: 10 x10 m
_ "For a forced landing" (1994), Solo, 8 min., Minimum stage 6 x 6 m